Personally, I feel the term 'Fitness' can be quite subjective. Just like many things it can contain a lot of different meanings to many people. In this weeks blog I am going to touch on the importance of understanding your own goals/aspirations and how it can affect your fitness journey.
Fitness to me means health and wellbeing and a structure to my life. As you might know if you read my 'welcome' blog, I started working out young and it has always been a part of my life. However, as I am getting older I am realising how much of the fitness world is revolved around mental wellbeing. I myself, have just started listening to podcasts and finding ways to focus on how I can make myself my most productive. Continually re-evaluating my goals and aspirations is helping me stay on track and evolve myself and my business.
Now, lets look how at how the fitness world has evolved over the years. We have gone from lycra and leg warmers (wish this was still acceptable) to online classes and yoga. The fitness industry has become a much more well known and accepted phenomenon in modern day society. We have a vast variety of fitness routes to choose from such as; Powerlifting, Strongman, Olympic lifting, Yoga, Pilates, Hot yoga, Weight training, HIIT training, Speed training, Endurance training and much much more. Therefore with this, a more vast knowledge.
So does fitness mean to you 'getting massive', 'improving my fitness levels', 'helping to improve my mental wellbeing', 'losing a dress size' or maybe just 'helping me function better day to day'. Whatever your goals may be it is so important to understand why you started. Understanding why you started can then help you turn these habits into a lifestyle rather than just a hobby. So, if you workout to feel the endorphins and feel good about yourself after every workout celebrate that feeling. Now, I'm not saying you wont have days when motivation is low and you can't be bothered (we all get like that). I am saying if you remind yourself why you started and what it means to you, this will gradually turn to daily habits and therefore be integrated into your lifestyle.
So what does fitness mean to you?
After what we have just learnt lets have a look at what could be possibly stopping you. Aesthetics. Did you start your fitness journey out as you saw one of the many fitness influencers flaunting their abs. I'm not saying we don't work out to look good (that's just a bonus). Work out for YOU, not because you want to look like someone else. If you started working out based purely on someone else, you are less likely to keep it up. What are you striving for? In the long run it wont help you reach those goals as the reason you started wasn't anything to do with your aspirations in the beginning.
Try and focus on what you want to achieve. Maybe it could be hitting a PB on your squats, adding 10kg to your bench or lessening your time on a run. Whatever it may be it could help shift your focus and help you hit those goals. Just by doing this little thing you will notice a massive difference in how you feel and how it can help your wellbeing as a result of this.
Have you figured out what fitness means to you yet?
Write this down and write your goals out (you are much more likely to hit these if you write them down and hold yourself accountable).
Don't be afraid to get in touch if you have any questions or need someone to chat to!
Thanks for reading,