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The Art Of Abs!


Always wished you had washboard abs? Think we can all relate. This weeks blog we will be looking at the art of abs and the trials and tribulations that ultimately come with them. I don't have the perfect six pack but I am slowly starting to see some definition so hopefully I can share some of my experiences with you!


Before we start, one thing that is paramount is understanding EVERYONE has abs! You might not be able to see them but how else would you do any mid-section movement? If you didn't have abs you wouldn't be able to sit up in bed every morning. So now we all feel a bit better about that fact lets move onto how we can look after our abs!

Key factors in building abs:

  • Nutrition

  • Varied exercises

  • Consistency

  • Genetics

Nutrition. Nutrition is the key factor in helping to develop your abs. As previously mentioned everyone already has abs, however we all have a layer of fat that cover them from their glory. Now, where do we go from here you might ask? A calorie deficit people! If you read my calorie deficit blog (I will be disappointed if you haven't...go and read it after) you will understand to shed fat you need to be in a calorie deficit. So in order to lower your body fat % you will have to lower your calorie intake resulting in more visible ab muscles therefore becoming leaner.

You don't have to plan for hours just to get abs! Nor do you have to do 100 sit ups a day. Although, obviously ab exercises will develop those muscles don't rely on just these to strengthen your core. Exercises such as deadlifts, overhead press and squats all require and develop stable core muscles. Why, you ask? You need a stable mid section in most exercises to keep you balanced and perform correct technique. Now lets dive into the different types of muscles within your core.

Different types of core muscles:

  • Abdominals (upper/lower)

  • Obliques

  • Pelvic floor muscles

  • Latissimus Dorsi (Located on your back)

  • Gluteus maximus (Bum)

I bet you didn't know that all those were included within the core muscles did you? It is a shock don't worry, but now do you understand WHY we need varied exercises to develop abs in the first place. As previously mentioned the core is largely used for stabilisation of mainly the pelvis therefore we have to vary our exercises to ensure an all over workout.

Here are some different exercises for each of these muscles that should be implemented into your training.

Upper Abdominals: Sit-Ups, Mountain climbers, Plank.

Lower Abdominals: Toe touches, Leg raises, Flutter kicks, Crunches.

Obliques: Russian twists, Bicycle crunches, Plank with rotating hips, Side crunches.

Pelvic floor: Hip raises, Single leg hip raises, Abductions.

Latissimus Dorsi: Deadlifts, Pull-Ups, Bent over row, Lat pulldowns.

Gluteus Maximus: Squats, Kickbacks, Hyperextension.

Consistency is paramount in seeing any kind of results! You have to keep up with it, so get taking those before and after pictures and keep going. Don't expect to see results within a week it can take at least 4 weeks before you notice any physical changes. Trust the process.

Genetics. Now your genes may play a part in your journey...just blame your parents it's fine. For instance, one person may find it easy to build muscle and may be genetically leaner where as someone else could find it hard to build any muscle at all. This is not an excuse! It just means don't try and compare yourself to others who may look different to you. As long as you put the hard work in it will pay off.

Trials and tribulations.....

Although, there are good factors to abs they come with a hefty price. As mentioned you will be in a calorie deficit so bear in mind your body fat % will be lower and this will be hard to maintain. Just be prepared to order a healthy option if you're going out to dinner or having to ditch those weekend treats. If this seems achievable then that's great but I didn't want to romanticise the lifestyle. We're all about honesty here!

Now you know your stuff you are ready to go out and start putting them into practice! Lets get shredded for summer.


Thanks for reading,


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