One of the most common questions I get when people are first starting in the gym is either 'How many reps/sets should I be doing?' or 'How many reps/sets should I do to lose weight?' Well, in todays blog I am going to be looking at both strength and hypertrophy training and see which one suits your goals. So if this sounds like something you need more information on keep on reading!
First lets look at what each of these training methods means exactly.
Strength training:
Strength training isn't only for people that have been training for a long time so don't be put off by it's name. Also, if you want to strength train you're not going to magically wake up one morning looking like hulk (I wish it was that easy). It just comes down to reps and sets basically, so strength training is when you train within the rep ranges of 1-5 for 1-5 sets. For example 5x5 of a certain exercise, so you will be completing 5 reps in 1 set, and you're doing this 5 times. The purpose of strength training is to enable your type 2b muscle fibers, meaning a different part of your muscle is being activated. (We have 3 different muscle fibers within each muscle). Also, meaning you can lift heavier for those reps compared to what you would be able when hypertrophy training. And, in terms of a rest period with strength training you may need longer to rest so it can be as long as 10 minutes. Don't rush back into it as it takes you muscles longer to recover when lifting heavier!
Hypertrophy training:
Hypertrophy training again is just dependant on the reps and sets you complete. The rep ranges within hypertrophy training range from 6-12 for 3-4 sets. For example if you were to do 3x12 of an exercise, you would be doing 12 reps in 1 set, and you would be doing this 3 times. The purpose of this is to get used to the weight/movement itself and execute the technique properly under time under tension of the muscle. Within these rep ranges your type 2a muscle fibers are being used, so as you can see different parts of the muscle are activated in each type of training. When looking at resting within hypertrophy training I would recommend up to 4 minutes of rest as your muscles recover a bit quicker with this type of training.
Now which should you do?
Still confused as to which you should do? I would recommend both! There is not a certain type that is going to help you lose weight specifically (unless you're doing cardio and weight training). If you're a complete beginner to weight training and the gym then I would say start just with hypertrophy training and focus on your form and getting your muscles used to the weight. Play around with your tempo and what helps you feel it most in your muscles (mind to muscle connection).
Alternatively, If you're a pro and wanting to implement strength training but don't know where to start I would recommend start strength training with your compound lifts (e.g. squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench). But make sure you still warm up with these moves though! Don't just jump straight in and try to do 5 heavy reps (don't want you injuring yourself...especially if you try and blame me lol). And then still complete hypertrophy sets of your more accessory moves (e.g. leg extension, bicep curls, Tricep extensions). Just so your muscles are getting that all over burn and progressive overload.
And there you have it! I hope I simplified it enough and you found it easy to understand. And most of all just enjoy your training! Try both these methods of training out next time you go to the gym and feel the difference. Please give this blog a like and share to anyone who might benefit from reading it!
Thanks for reading,