Do you have a routine? In this post I am going to be talking about the importance of a routine, not only in the morning but how having a routined lifestyle can help you feel more in control. Some people need order and organisation to function (me) however some just thrive on impulses and spontaneity. Both can be good for certain things but we're going to look at how structuring your life can lead to positive change and results. So if this sounds like something you might need in your life right now keep on reading.
Now I am not going to be talking about how when I wake up I meditate for an hour then workout because that is just not me. I value my sleep and love my bed and just like everyone I struggle dragging myself out of bed. However, I have implemented more of a routine to my morning in terms of health. whenever I wake up I have my vitamins that I take. (These Include beauty vitamins, probiotics and iron tablets...thank you anaemia). By doing this I feel it sets me up for the day better, I don't know if it's just my subconscious being like 'yay you are a healthy queen' but whatever it is I'm not going to complain. Another thing I have tried a conscious effort to focus on is my skincare routine. I have never been a big skincare lover and I used to just skip it completely. However, when lockdown hit I got sucked into the vast amount of people starting to actually focus on looking after your skin. I have never had bad skin at all so never really thought much into it however, since starting it gives me some time in the morning just to focus on me. Not only that but I find it helps me feel a lot more prepared for the day as when I'm washing my face I will go over everything I have got planned in the day and get myself excited for it (even if I might not be... positive thinking is key!).
Now I've touched on what my sort of morning routine is lets take a look at a routined lifestyle. Anyone that knows me knows I am organised and plan everything in my work and personal life. I make lists for EVERYTHING. I make lists for work and who's workout plans I have to make and I make plans for what jobs I have to do around the house. I just get up the notes page in my phone and make a 'to do' list whenever I have things to do. I always have things to do even on my days off I'm constantly keeping busy. And I know that might sound like a lot but it helps me get things done, but don't get me wrong if I need a doss day I will just have a chill day. I find structuring my days like this helps me keep on track of what is getting done and what needs to be done. Now I'm going to let you in on the most important apps that I use to write down appointments and 'to do' lists:
Calendar (This is a MUST for inputting all my sessions and looking at where I can fit things in)
Notes page (Just writing things down helps me do them and look at what I need to prioritise and what I don't)
Asana (I've just recently started using this but it helps a lot to structure my days around work and what extra work I have to do)
And there you have it! 3 simple apps that can help you hit those goals! Most phones have calendar and notes app anyway and asana is FREE! So there really are no excuses.
Something I heard on Boss Babe's podcast which resonated with me was rewarding yourself immediately after completing the action. So as soon as you've finished your skincare (or whatever your new routine is) immediately congratulate yourself on it. This can be in physical form via a dance or just thinking to yourself I enjoyed doing that and remember how it made you feel. If you do this every time you complete that action you will get the same feeling of gratification resulting in you wanting to do it more. I know it sounds weird but trust me it works! And if you don't already go listen to their podcast it has helped me get motivated massively in lockdown.
That's all for todays post, if there is anything you want me to touch on either fitness or lifestyle related just get in touch via my website or social media!
Thanks for reading,