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Keeping track of weights


I think we can all think of one person in the gym when we think about tracking your weights and having to carry around a little notebook. I have never really tracked the weights I'm using religiously as I like to get on with it. However, recently I have been using an app to track my weights and have noticed a significant difference. Read on to see how it could take your training to the next level!


I don't know about you but I don't have the amount of effort to carry around a little notebook in the gym writing each set down as I go. However I decided in the last lockdown to download a tracker app and see what all the hype was about. The app is called 'rep count' and it is amazing. Not only can you input your workouts, when you go to do the same exercises it outlines the last weight you did. Meaning you have less reason to talk yourself out of upping your weights!

I think we're all guilty of easing off on the weight sometimes if we can't be bothered and just opting for a weight we know we can achieve. However, I have found having this app really spurs me on to keep upping my weights. I have now seen progression within my lifting and started noticing how my body is adapting quicker to my training. I started a new workout plan after gyms reopened and already I am noticing changes within my body and I put that down to progressive overload and keeping focused. Personally, I got to a stage when I was settling into a repetitive routine within my training not seeing progress anymore and just becoming bored with what I was doing. Now, I feel like I'm training for a purpose again and am really getting into it.

So if this sounds like you and you feel like you need something to help get you on the right path again try tracking your weights and see how it makes you feel! If you need any help with workouts/tracking just get in touch today! I have some more personal training spaces opening up soon.

Thanks for reading,





©2020 Annie Fitness

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